Monday, January 19, 2009

Project 365 week 3

Ohhhh, that's how I feel today. I'm so overwhelmed. My house is a wreck, laundry is piled up all over the place, I've got a ton of work to do, orders to enter into the system and I'm not inspired to do anything but sit and watch TV. I haven't posted in days, there's goes that goal! Thursday I was running errands most of the day and then had to work that night, Friday I had to work late, we had an event. It went fabulously, yeah!!!! Saturday and Sunday I had club meetings and was gone both days. Basically, I haven't been home in 4 days and boy does my house reflect that!
But, on a good note, I'm still going strong with Project 365 AND my husband still doesn't know about it. Here's my week 3 page. There's no Saturday picture because Kim took it and hasn't emailed it to me yet. I did journal about the picture though.

Here's the whole thing.

Here's the left side. Picture 3 says "lift me" because there's another picture underneath.

Here's the right side. There's no picture from Saturday because I don't have it yet.

As usual, I'll post links to other participants when they're completed




iamjaytee said...

I am trying to dig out from a similar pile myself. Nice layouts!

goofytortuga said...

The pictures are still trapped in my camera! I will down load them and email them to you. Love, Kim

Vonney said...

Hopefully I will get my first and second weeks scraped this weekend. You need to chk out the following CTMH consultant. Her layout is so cute! Now I'm thinking I didn't need the kit at all! You and her have such cute ideas!